Shadow resolution

I’ve been fussing with this all afternoon. How do I increase the shadow quality here?

The light is a taret spot, set to vray shadows and under the VrayShadows params i’ve increased the subdivs to 64, which didn’t seem to affect the quality.

You use the same approach as in Krakatoa MX. You add a Krakatoa Shadows generator to the light, and then select the VRay Shadows generator inside it. The Krakatoa Shadows lets you specify all necessary info including attenuation map resolution, and how many samples to take after the first depth sample for the Deep Opacity Map saved by that light, at what distance, and whether to take the samples linearly or exponentially. You DO NOT need to specify any save/load paths though, KVRY manages this automatically (the deep opacity maps end up as temporary EXR files in the TEMP subfolder, and you can check the option to not delete them in the Exporter settings if you want to inspect them in another application to see what they contain).

If the Krakatoa Shadows generator is not found, default settings are used, I would expect a 512x512 attenuation map with just one sample in your case.

I wonder if offering a “default attenuation map resolution override” in the export settings would help here. So you could enter 2048 and any light that does not have a Krakatoa Shadows generator would use that instead of the default 512?

Here is an updated script file that adds the Default Attenuation Map controls to the “Export Options” rollout. I will probably move them to a dedicated rollout later…
It also fixes the Emission+Reflection issue temporarily at UI level.

(Ignore the Automatic Tile Size controls, they do nothing in the current build, but will be used in the next Beta build.) (33 KB)

We have posted a new Beta 3 build (3.0.2) which should fix most of the bugs you reported!