shotgun event/submission broken in

re: space at end of SMTD job.
I think this might have been an issue a while ago, but I’m not seeing any issue in my latest v7.2 beta 5. I’ll catchup with Bobo later, perhaps he fixed it last week in beta 5. Can you confirm this is still an issue in beta 5? If so, what type of SMTD job did you submit which has this issue?

I can confirm this is happening with beta5/ Can’t say anything about beta6/ as we haven’t had the time to upgrade yet.

What exactly do you mean by ‘type’ ?
I actually did go back quite a few jobs step by step and checked their job name. ALL of them had the issue. Also the ones who have an appendix like ‘[left]’ as with stereo camera setups have an additional space at the end. I even went back to very old jobs to see if it was introduced just recently. But even those have it. The only exception i could find is a Tile rendering that we sent just a few hours ago which is named correctly

kit_001_010_rndr_setup_v006_pj_print [left] [Frame 83 - 16 Regions, 16 Sub-Regions]

without the space at the end.
The ‘normal’ job of this setup has the additional space:

kit_001_010_rndr_setup_v006_pj [left] 

(probably not showing up including the space here in the post)

I can see where it is coming from.
It has been like that for a very long time.

The line where the Job Name is written to the Job file looks like

format "Name=%% %\n" formattedJobName stereoCameraNameToken theSpecialLabel to:submitInfoFile

So when theSpecialLable is “” (empty string), it produces a space between the second % and the third %.
Instead, theSpecialLable should have its own " " prefix when it is not empty, and the format string would be “Name=%%%\n”

I will fix that.
If you want to fix it yourself, try replacing the code in around line 4062 with this:

[code] local theSpecialLabel = “”
if SMTDSettings.SubmitAsMXSJob then
theSpecialLabel = " [MAXSCRIPT]"
if SMTDSettings.IsBakeJob do
theSpecialLabel += “[RTT “+ SMTD_objsToBake.count as string
theSpecialLabel += (if SMTD_objsToBake.count == 1 then " Object” else " Objects”)
if SMTDSettings.BakeJobOneObjectPerTask then theSpecialLabel += “, One Per Task]” else theSpecialLabel +="]"
case SMTDSettings.RegionRenderingMode of
#animationMultiRegion: --if SMTDSettings.MultiRegionRendering and not SMTDSettings.SingleTileJob then
local totalRegions = 0
for i in SMTDSettings.MultiRegionData where i[1] do totalRegions += i[6]*i[7]
local activeRegions = (for i in SMTDSettings.MultiRegionData where i[1] collect i).count
theSpecialLabel = " [Multi-Frame - " + activeRegions as string + " Region"+(if activeRegions == 1 then ", " else “s, “) +totalRegions as string+” Sub-Region”+(if totalRegions == 1 then “]” else “s]”)

					#singleFrameMultiRegion: --if SMTDSettings.MultiRegionRendering then
						local totalRegions = 0
						for i in SMTDSettings.MultiRegionData where i[1] do totalRegions += i[6]*i[7]
						local activeRegions = (for i in SMTDSettings.MultiRegionData where i[1] collect i).count
						theSpecialLabel = " [Frame " + ((currentTime.frame as integer) as string) + " - " + activeRegions as string + " Region"+(if activeRegions == 1 then ", " else "s, ") +totalRegions as string+" Sub-Region"+(if totalRegions == 1 then "]" else "s]")
					#singleFrameTiles:  --if SMTDSettings.TilesRendering then
						--if SMTDSettings.SingleTileJob then
						theSpecialLabel = " [Frame " + ((currentTime.frame as integer) as string) + " - " + ((SMTDSettings.TilesInX * SMTDSettings.TilesInY) as string) + " Tiles]"
					default: --anything else
						if SMTDSettings.UseBatchRender and SMTDSettings.BatchRenderMode == 2 then
							theSpecialLabel = " [BATCH MASTER]"
							theSpecialLabel = case frameMode of
								#both: ""
								#nth: " [PREVIEW FRAMES]" 
								#rest: " [REST OF FRAMES]" 	
				)--end case
			local stereoCameraNameToken = if stereoCameraLabel == "" then "" else " ["+stereoCameraLabel+"]"
			local stereoCameraToken = if stereoCameraLabel == "" then "" else stereoCameraLabel+"_"
			format "Name=%%%\n" 				formattedJobName stereoCameraNameToken theSpecialLabel 	to:submitInfoFile

