Shotgun Settings

Just updated Deadline to 5.2 from 5.0 (it was a comletely fresh install).

All the Shotgun fields in “Configure Event Plugins” window have been filled: such as “Shotgun URL”, “API Script Name”, “API Application Key” and such.

To test if everything works well running Scripts menu -> Test Shotgun Connection.

While Deadline is initiating the connection with Shotgun there is a message in Shotgun Log saying:

“Retrieving sticky settings… No sticky settings found.”

And then nothing happens.
I have to note that the “Login Name” field is blank. While is a previos version of Deadline the User Name field was filled with the user name taken from the OS system (login name of the user) (since in “Configure Repository Options” dialog box an option “Use The System User For The Deadline User” was checked.

How do I tell Deadline to switch to the default (or system user) if no sticky user was found… ?
Many thanks in advance!

I need to mention that if the “Login Name” in Shotgun Settings dialog box (opened from Scripts menu -> Test Shotgun Connection) entered manually Deadline connects to Shotgun successully.

P.S. I found a solution. I edited (…/Thinkbox\DeadlineRepository\events\Shotgun) by changing a line:

scriptDialog.SetValue( “LoginBox”, currentUser[‘login’] )


scriptDialog.SetValue( “LoginBox”, os.environ[‘USERNAME’] )

Now Deadline fills the Login Name field with the OS credentials.

Glad to hear you figured it out.

The Shotgun integration doesn’t pull the OS login name by default – I’m pretty sure, if I recall correclty, that we had actually suggested you make the change you just made (or a similar one) to make it work that way. It’s important to note that these types of custom changes to scripts won’t be automatically maintained between upgrades, since we don’t do any kind of merging when we upgrade Deadline’s plugin files. That’s likely why you saw the behaviour change when going from 5.0 -> 5.2


  • Jon

Yes, you are absolutely correct. I completely forgot that I did modify the
Script to get a User Login name to fill the field automatically. Since version 5.2 required a brand
new repository a fresh install wiped out the customization I have already
considered as a default. Sorry my mistake!