Shutdown & Wakeup group priority?

Is there a way to reorder the power management groups?

I have 3 groups w/ different hardware specs… group 1 is the sloths… those are set to all shut down. Group 2 has the beefy procs and Group 3 has the GPUs… I want to keep one of each of those alive at all times. So far, so good.

The question is when waking machines up, it seems to be going to the sloths (group 1) when I’d much rather wake up groups 2 and 3 first.

Is this just a function of the order the groups were created? Can they be rearranged, or must they be deleted & recreated in a new order? Or is there something else I’m missing?


Hey Rob,

I checked the code, and it looks like it’s based on the order of the groups as you see them in the Power Management dialog. You can probably rearrange the order without having to recreate them, but this requires manually editing the power management settings xml file. You can find this in \your\repository\settings. You might want to make a backup copy of the settings file first, just in case. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Thanks. I went ahead and deleted the lower-priority groups and re-created them at the end.

Maybe consider this a feature request for future revs to be able to re-order the groups?

You guys are great, by the way – I’m sure you hear it all the time, but your support & responsiveness is a shining beacon!


I’ve added this to our wishlist! :slight_smile: