slave hangs and will not render any jobs...

Hi, 1 slave on our farm has started to refuse to render any jobs. It gets assigned a task but just sits there “starting up”

Here’s a copy of the slave log:

Connecting to Lon-eng-rnd05…
2016-03-15 11:15:05: Skipping pending job scan because it is not required at this time
2016-03-15 11:15:05: Skipping repository repair because it is not required at this time
2016-03-15 11:15:05: Skipping house cleaning because it is not required at this time
2016-03-15 11:15:08: Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing job auxiliary files from \LON-ENG-GSVR1\DeadlineRepository7\jobs\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4
2016-03-15 11:15:08: Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for job files: 109.200 ms
2016-03-15 11:15:08: Scheduler Thread - Synchronizing plugin files from \LON-ENG-GSVR1\DeadlineRepository7\plugins\3dsmax
2016-03-15 11:15:09: Scheduler Thread - Synchronization time for plugin files: 405.601 ms
2016-03-15 11:15:40: Constructor: 3dsmax
2016-03-15 11:15:40: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2016-03-15 11:15:40: 0: Task timeout is disabled.
2016-03-15 11:15:40: 0: Loaded job: pflow_sp24_funnel (56e7e486f748f341847f0db4)
2016-03-15 11:15:40: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\Lon-eng-rnd05\plugins\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4\
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Slave Running as Service: False
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: About: 3dsmax Plugin for Deadline
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up 3dsmax plugin
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Sys Env Var PATH: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\intel64\compiler;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared;C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Backburner;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Sys Env Var PATH length: 357
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Backburner Path(s) Found in PATH: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Backburner’
2016-03-15 11:15:42: 0: INFO: Backburner server.exe version: 2016.0.0.1727
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Rendering with 3dsmax version: 2016
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Not forcing a build of 3dsmax because version 2014 and later is 64 bit only
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Rendering with executable: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\3dsmax.exe
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Slave 3dsmax.exe version: 18.6.667.0
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Submitted from 3dsmax.exe version: 18.6.667.0
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Checking registry for 3dsmax language code
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Language code string: ENU
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Language sub directory: en-US
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Fail on existing 3dsmax process: 0
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Load 3dsmax timeout: 1000 seconds
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Start job timeout: 1000 seconds
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Progress update timeout: 8000 seconds
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Progress update timeout disabled: 0
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Slave mode enabled: 1
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Silent mode enabled: 0
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Local rendering enabled: 1
2016-03-15 11:15:43: 0: INFO: Running render sanity check using 3dsmaxcmd.exe
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmaxcmd.exe exit code: 3
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmaxcmd.exe returned:
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Render sanity check using 3dsmaxcmd.exe completed successfully. Please ignore the ‘Error opening…’ message thrown by 3dsmaxcmd.exe above.
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmax start up file: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\Lon-eng-rnd05\plugins\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4\deadlineStartupMax2016.max
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Using user profiles: 1
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmax user profile path: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Scripts Startup Directory: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\startup
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Kill ADSK WSCommCntr*.exe process: False
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Workspace Directory: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\en-US\UI\Workspaces
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Workspace ini file: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\en-US\UI\Workspaces\ [Scene Explorer] set to [Visible=False]
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmax data path: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2016 - 64bit\ENU
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmax ini file: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\3dsmax.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Network log file: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\Network\Max.log
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Plugin ini file: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\en-US\plugin.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Including user profile plugin ini: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\Plugin.UserSettings.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Lightning connection plugin: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\Lon-eng-rnd05\plugins\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4\lightning64Max2016.dlx
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: 3dsmax socket connection port: 49243
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Setting up startup environment
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Copying C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\Lon-eng-rnd05\plugins\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4\lightning64Max2016.dlx to C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\temp\lightning\lightning.dlx
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Created temporary plugin ini file: C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Temp\dl.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Temporary plugin ini contains:
2016-03-15 11:15:48: [Include]
2016-03-15 11:15:48: Original=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\en-US\plugin.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: UserProfile=C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2016 - 64bit\ENU\Plugin.UserSettings.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: Deadline Lightning=C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Temp\lightningplugin_405487281081.ini
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Running as user: Graphics
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\3dsmax.exe”
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Argument: -p “C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Temp\dl.ini” -q -s “C:\Users\Graphics\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\Lon-eng-rnd05\plugins\56e7e486f748f341847f0db4\deadlineStartupMax2016.max”
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016”
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Process is now running
2016-03-15 11:15:48: 0: INFO: Waiting for connection from 3dsmax
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.000 INFO: Begin setting up global configuration
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.141 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:15:59.141 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.141 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.XmlSerializers- 11:15:59.141 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.266 INFO: End setting up global configuration
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.266 INFO: Begin initialize system watcher to detect file changes
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.266 INFO: End initialize system watcher to detect file changes
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.266 INFO: Begin loading assemblies
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.281 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\Autodesk.Max.StateSets.dll- 11:15:59.312 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.312 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:15:59: 0: STDOUT: - 11:15:59.312 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:00: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:00.186 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:00: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:00.186 INFO: Discovered IPlugin-derived type 'Plugin- 11:16:00.420 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'Autodesk.Max.StateSets.XmlSerializers, Version=18.6.667.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:16:00.420 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:00: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:00.420 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'Autodesk.Max.StateSets.XmlSerializers- 11:16:00.420 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Created instance of type
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Adding as startup/static plugin
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Discovered IPlugin-derived type 'Plugin- 11:16:03.337 INFO: Created instance of type
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Adding as startup/static plugin
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll- 11:16:03.337 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.337 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.415 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\CreaseExplorerView.dll- 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\DaylightSimulation.dll- 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.446 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.727 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.727 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.727 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.727 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\FPMaxWpfContent.dll- 11:16:03.727 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\ManagedBootstrap.dll- 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:03: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\ManagedNetworkUtilities.dll- 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.743 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\MaterialExplorerView.dll- 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\MaxWpfContent.dll- 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:03.758 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.195 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.211 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.211 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.211 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\mixamo_assembly.dll- 11:16:04.211 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.242 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.242 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\ProceduralContentActions.dll- 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\SceneExplorerView.dll- 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.258 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: Begin loading assembly 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\bin\assemblies\Sunlight.dll- 11:16:04.336 INFO: Begin loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: End loading assembly file
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.336 INFO: Begin discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.351 INFO: Retrieved a list of types, processing
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.351 INFO: End discovering pluggable types in assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.351 INFO: End loading assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.351 INFO: End loading assemblies
2016-03-15 11:16:04: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:04.382 INFO: Begin registering loaded plugins
2016-03-15 11:16:05: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:05.412 INFO: End registering loaded plugins
2016-03-15 11:16:14: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:14.257 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'ProceduralContentActions.resources, Version=18.6.667.0, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:16:14.257 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:14: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:14.288 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'ProceduralContentActions.resources, Version=18.6.667.0, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:16:14.288 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:14: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:14.288 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'ProceduralContentActions.resources, Version=18.6.667.0, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:16:14.288 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:14: 0: STDOUT: - 11:16:14.288 INFO: Begin resolve assembly 'ProceduralContentActions.resources, Version=18.6.667.0, Culture=en, PublicKeyToken=null- 11:16:14.288 INFO: Cannot resolve assembly
2016-03-15 11:16:31: 0: INFO: Ignoring popup “MAXScript Debugger”
2016-03-15 11:17:02: Connecting to Slave log: Lon-eng-rnd05

Anyone have any ideas what it could be?
I have tried turning it of and on again btw.

I’d try and render manually. Just open Max and render a cube.

It’s likely a corrupt install, but Mike has a better sense of these errors than I do.

thanks for the reply, indeed it has been taken out of the farm, just wondered whether it was something specific to deadline.

More than likely, it’s 3dsMax that is at fault here. Is this machine purely a rendernode/headless or does a user sit behind it?
Is Max 2016 a new thing for your studio? ie: Did you recently upgrade from Max 2015? If so, known issue is Backburner and it’s dll’s corrupting itself. OUr new 8.0 docs will say this:

“Additionally, there is a known issue where a corrupt install of Backburner in 3ds Max 2015 or earlier can cause 3ds Max 2016 to fail to load its Max scene file. Autodesk provides a knowledge post Backburner Error 1721 During Install on how to resolve if this is the case.” … stall.html

Are you able to successfully open 3dsMax and this scene file in question on the said machine and hit render successfully? Can you send it a “3dsCmd” job instead of a “3dsmax” job to see if it makes a difference in error message? At the very least, if a “3dsCmd” job fails as well, then we can narrow it down to a series of CmdLine exe + args you can execute in a DOS shell and if that then fails, then we know for sure it’s not Deadline and it’s either 3dsMax and/or Backburner. In which case, it’s re-install time. But try the known ADSK fix above first if it’s applicable.