AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Slave Log doesn't open

Figured it out! It has to do with the repository path argument. If it ends with a ‘’, it doesn’t work, but if you remove the trailing ‘’, it works fine.

Turns out Windows does some weird escaping because we quote the repository path. For example, here is how the path is specified in the command line, and how it appears to deadlinecommand:
\server\deadlinerepository7 --> \server\deadlinerepository7
\server\deadlinerepository7\ --> \server\deadlinerepository7
“\server\deadlinerepository7” --> \server\deadlinerepository7
“\server\deadlinerepository7” --> \server\deadlinerepository7"

Notice the " character at the end in the last case above. A quote is an illegal character in a windows path, so it causes Deadline to freak out when building up a path using it. Why windows chooses to escape that quote instead of taking it literally is a mystery to me, but the solution will be to simply trim any " characters before using the repo path. We’ll get that fixed for RC5, but in the meantime, just change the repository you’re connecting to and remove the trailing ‘’.

Thanks for helping us figure this one out. It was definitely a head scratcher. :slight_smile:

Arghhh! :wink:
I stumbled upon this issue few times before somewhere in Windows land. I could’ve sworn i got myself completely used to never use any trailing backslashes - but it seems that it slipped me when i set up the Deadline silent install command.
Now i also recall why it worked the first time i tried: i replaced your placeholders in the command manually with the path to the repo and wasn’t using the backslash but in the last cases it was a copy-paste of the whole command which included the backslash.
Windows!.. :unamused:
If i just re-run the installer without the trailing backslash in the ‘–repositorydir’ argument it will change it although the settings already exist on the machines, right?

Yeah, that should work.

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