since we updated deadline to 3.1 we encounter a “strange” behaviour. Some slaves delete completed jobs automatically. The corresponding entries in our history logfile are as follows:
Apr 20/09 08:54:16 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P4-MorphingTEST-Links” because the job was in a corrupted state.
Apr 20/09 08:54:17 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P2b-CR_TSX-Bahn-Maske” because the job was in a corrupted state.
Apr 20/09 08:54:17 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P2b-CL-TSX” because the job was in a corrupted state.
Apr 20/09 08:54:18 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P2b-CL-DEM” because the job was in a corrupted state.
Apr 20/09 08:54:18 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P2b-CR_Erde” because the job was in a corrupted state.
Apr 20/09 08:54:19 C2QUAD-001 C2QUAD-001: Empty Trash Bin: Deleted job “TDX-P2b-CR_DEM” because the job was in a corrupted state.
I checked some of the jobs minutes before this happens and none of these completed jobs were corrupt or deleted.
Do you have any idea why this happens and how I can prevent slaves from deleting jobs automatially.
Thank you very much in advance
Best regards