Hello All,
I have a modified version of the Deadline CommandLine plugin I use to process Fusion EyeonScripts. Most of the time these jobs complete without issue, but once or twice a week a batch of jobs will stay on the farm indefinitely… even after the script has finished. We end up having to manually mark the tasks as complete.
Anyone have any idea what might be happening?
Some possible clues:
1.) Some of our Fusion Jobs end with RenderSlave crashing. It seems when this happens for regular Fusion plugins the job still completes though.
RenderSlave.exe - Application Error
The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000005) occurred in the application at location 0x62093348.
2.) Not all the output from my eyeonscripts is captured in the RenderSlave window.
Paul Hudson
Hi Paul,
We’ve seen this behaviour before, and we think the cause was the
eyeonScript.exe process that starts up with RenderSlave was preventing
our eyeonScript.exe process which runs the script from finishing. We
found that if we opened TaskManager and killed one of the eyeonScript
processes, the other would exit and the job would complete.
If you’re running Fusion 5.1, try using ConsoleSlave.exe instead of
RenderSlave.exe. The ConsoleSlave is Fusion’s new command line renderer,
but it can also process scripts like RenderSlave does. We’ve tested
ConsoleSlave with our Fusion5 plugin, and it works quite well (you
likely won’t see that crash error either).
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Apparently some of our guys here have already tried out ConsoleSlave.exe. Here’s what they had to say:
so i tested out the console.exe
it renders faster
but i notice some things though
had frames that wouldnt render and would get plugin errors
switched back
and those frames completed
so its a iffy situation
I would not use Console.exe. It will error out a lot whenever you are using and AEPlugins or Third Party ones. I had to switch back and deal with the renderslave.exe error. It’s never ending!
Any other ideas? And has this issue been reported to Eyeon?