Slaves not saving output, no errors (Scene was previously rendered with Rebus farm)

Hey there,

Having a problem with a scene previously rendered on Rebus, but now we’re rendering locally on our farm (Max 2016, Vray 3.4, Deadline 8.0). The scene is setup to save output via the Vray frame buffer which works just fine in any scenes that have never been submitted to Rebus, but scenes that have gone to rebus at some point fail to save output even though the pathing appears correct and we receive no errors that I can see. If you check the “Explore Output” it is correct and the location on the server exists just nothing is getting saved there.

I have attached one of the task reports.

Any ideas what’s going on here?
Job_2016-11-10_16-29-23_5824e7e472d02016f0ac0177.txt (106 KB)


This is a little bug that was fixed in a later service pack of 8.0, which is now up to An easy way to workaround this for now is just to simply disable the “Enable Local Rendering” option as shown here in SMTD (Submit Max To Deadline) UI: … ptions-tab

Un-check that box and re-submit.

Also, a little off-topic but I did notice whilst reviewing your log you kindly sent in, that your are running 3dsMax 2016 without any of the Service Packs made available by Autodesk which are always highly recommended. (make sure you update all machines to be identical to avoid weird issues) :slight_smile: