The SMTD Launcher first tries to resolve the Repository location by calling deadlinecommandbg, then copies and runs the relevant scripts from the Repository every time you launch it.
So in theory it would be possible to copy those files (the functions and the UI script as well as all other components like sanity checks etc.) locally to the workstation and make them load on Max boot. This way, just running the macro ( “Prime Focus” “SubmitMaxToDeadline”) would start the SMTD GUI immediately.
The current implementation makes sure that every workstation is always synced to the Repository, but if those scripts don’t change too often, it might be worth it looking into an alternative startup sequence like the above one. In fact, since the SMTD Launcher now copies the files to the local scripts folder before fileIn(), it could look locally to see if the files are there and load them instead of pulling them over the network. But you would be running a danger of executing “obsolete” versions.
I could try to prepare a quick alternative launcher for you, although I am more than confident you could script yourself one too