SMTD Sanity Check required v2.7+

I found a situation where I think an additional sanity check would be most useful.
The situation occurs due to a material in the scene which has an unassigned bitmap to one of its map channels.
Carrying out the following instructions will get you into this situation:

  1. Reset 3dsMax
  2. Creat Teapot
  3. Assign material to teapot
  4. Click on material assigned above into its diffuse slot and click on “bitmap” as a new map.
  5. Instead of navigating to a bitmap on your system, simply hit “cancel”.

Ok, you now have an unassigned bitmap in your scene. Submitting to Deadline will cause the file to crash and not render.

Can we have a sanity check which looks for unassigned maps in ALL materials assigned to objects and also in the material editor slots prior to submission and display any of these trouble-some materials/objects assigned to it in a list view window, make a selection set?


Sounds like a good idea!

I’ve logged this as a feature request. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to get around to this, but if you have some maxscript code you can pass our way, that could help speed things up. Hehe… :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

I’ll see what I can do!
Is there any chance Bobo could take a quick look, because traversing the 3dsMax scene for ALL bitmaps is a complete nightmare if you want to be sure of getting 100% accurate results (ie: all the bitmaps in the scene!)
For example, the “getclassinstance bitmaptexture” command has the following results:

Background map - works
displace modifiers - works sometimes (that’s pretty agrivating, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t it seems)
displace spacewarps - works
max projector lights - works
brazil 1 & 2 projection lights - doesn’t work
brazil skylight map - doesn’t work
fog - works
render effects blur filter - doesn’t work

Just wondering if Bobo has any magic to get more accurate results?
