SMTD State Sets submission broken

I’ve used state set submission in the past, and it worked great, but I just tried to do it in and I just get errors.
I’ve attached screenshots of the error message itself, the contents of the Listener and the script editor window that opens when the error occurs.

At first I thought my client script wasn’t up-to-date, but everything seems to be correct.

Anyone else having this? Or could someone else test it?




Hi Dave,
Support for “Environment” states in StateSets was added in Deadline 8.0, which explains this issue. Any plans to upgrade Deadline or simply not use “Environment” state sets for the time being? I’m not sure quite how much work is involved in trying to backport this code…if it’s even possible…

But this exact same file worked fine 2 years ago, I guess with Deadline 6.0 at that time.
All that’s happening is the background color being changed from black to white. It certainly didn’t cause a problem back then.
I was working with Max 2015 then, and I’m still using it for this particular job now, so it can’t have anything to do with changes in State Sets between versions.


ah, right. I think I can explain what is going on then.

Deadline 6.x provided basic State Set support, which critically didn’t provide support for “nested” State Sets. Now that was a problem and we introduced support in Deadline 7.x, but we then started to discover various edge cases as Autodesk changed a few things on their side (newer versions of 3dsMax) or clients contacted us about a specific way in which they had setup their scene with State Sets. This explains, why Deadline 6.0 worked, as it probably did work, but if you had a nested State Set setup, it would have not worked fully. Now fast forward to 8.0, where we recently added “Environment.StateSet” support, as development of Deadline 7.0 has ceased internally in Thinkbox.

After a bit of thought, it’s not really that hard to backport the support and I kinda feel bad for you, as unknowingly, it was working for you before in 6.0. So, see attached, updated SMTD scripts which I have only tested in Deadline

Unzip and copy (overwrite same named file - make a backup first!):

  1. “” to: “<your_repo>/plugins/3dsmax/”
  2. “” to: “<your_repo>/submission/3dsMax/Main/” (124 KB)

Mike, you’re a star!
That works perfectly, thanks ever so much!

