Softimage 2011 render fail and solution

Hi, I had a problem when rendering with Softimage 2011 in Deadline.

I found the solution to my problem here: … er-line-2/
I had to add the error to the ignore list in the plugin.

I though I would share this bug/solution here.

Example in Deadline:
0: STDOUT: # INFO : Executing command: OpenScene(M:/Production/Staff/Users/sylvain.berger/Projects/Softimage/Benchmark/Scenes/Rendertree_Displacement_Cell.scn)
0: STDOUT: >Loading: M:\Production\Staff\Users\sylvain.berger\Projects\Softimage\Benchmark\Scenes\Rendertree_Displacement_Cell.scn…
0: STDOUT: # ERROR : 2004 - Invalid pointer - [line 2]
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - An error occurred in StartJob(): # ERROR : 2004 - Invalid pointer - [line 2]


Thanks for the info! We’ll update the Deadline plugins to ignore this error too.

another little bug I found in the softimage plugin.

In the tileassembler part the tile assembler failed with this error:

0: INFO: Calling tile assembler on M:/Production/Staff/Users/sylvain.berger/Projects/Softimage/Benchmark/Render_Pictures/_tile_1x1_2x2_usingSceneOptions_Main.0001.exr 0: INFO: Using 64 bit Tile Assembler Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error: Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: An error occurred in RenderTasks(): Error starting "tileassembler64" in "" : The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Changing the plugin code from this:

					LogInfo( "Calling tile assembler on " + outputPath )
					arguments = "--not-cropped --ignore-overlap \"" + outputPath + "\""
					exitCode = -1
					if (IsRunningOnWindows() or IsRunningOnLinux()) and Is64Bit():
						LogInfo( "Using 64 bit Tile Assembler" )
						exitCode = RunProcess( "tileassembler64", arguments, "", -1 )
						exitCode = RunProcess( "tileassembler", arguments, "", -1 )

to this fix the problem:

					LogInfo( "Calling tile assembler on " + outputPath )
					arguments = "--not-cropped --ignore-overlap \"" + outputPath + "\""
					dirname = FileInfo(outputPath).DirectoryName 
					exitCode = -1
					if (IsRunningOnWindows() or IsRunningOnLinux()) and Is64Bit():
						LogInfo( "Using 64 bit Tile Assembler" )
						exitCode = RunProcess( "tileassembler64", arguments, dirname, -1 )
						exitCode = RunProcess( "tileassembler", arguments, dirname, -1 )

I can’t provide exact line number as my plugin is heavily modified (as always :slight_smile: )
Also please note that this bug might have been introduced by my modification, but from what I have seen it was not.

Sylvain Berger

Yup, this was a bug we discovered recently. The fix has already been implemented for the next release. :slight_smile: