I’ve noticed that when I choose tile rendering for Softimage, a folder is being created for each piece of tiles. In previous version all of the tiles would be placed in one folder and then reassemble as one image at the end of the render. As of right now it appears that tile reassembly is not working. Any support on this would be much appreciated.
So this is the file path that I’ve defined “[scene][Pass][Framebuffer][Pass]_[Framebuffer]”
Here’s a piece of the error from the Slave:
[size=85]0: STDOUT: Validating that component tile “\Cg-server\render_depot\RENDER_BIN\XSI_Spaceboxx\Render_Pictures\Interior_Staging02_texturephaze_12\EarthView_Beauty\Main_tile_1x1_1x2_EarthView_Beauty_Main.1.tga” exists.
0: STDOUT: ERROR: Component tile “\Cg-server\render_depot\RENDER_BIN\XSI_Spaceboxx\Render_Pictures\Interior_Staging02_texturephaze_12\EarthView_Beauty\Main_tile_1x1_1x2_EarthView_Beauty_Main.1.tga” doesn’t exist.[/size]
So the tile location is not respecting my path that I’ve specified in Softimage.
I’ve tried taking a peek at the submission script in the repository but that is beyond me.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for taking the time to help out and I’m sorry for not being clear with my previous post. By default xsi renders out images using the following token “{pass_Framebuffer].” I’ve changed my settings in the preference so I don’t have to change the scene or pass option. So my output uses the following token “[scene][Pass][Framebuffer][Pass]_[Framebuffer]”, so each time there is a forward slash a folder is being created.
Since I’ve updated to the latest version of Deadline 3.1 SP1 and using tile render, a folder is being created per tile where as in previous version all tiles would appear in target directory.
I’ve been using Softimage 7.01 with Deadline 3.0 SP1 (build 33353); tile rendering worked well. Today I found out that Deadline 3.1sp1 tile option would work only if I change my settings back to the default pass option “[pass_Framebuffer]” which is great though I liked having my renders organized into folders.
I’ve attached the info that you’ve requested.
Thanks again,
SlaveTile.txt (33 KB)
TileAssembly.txt (11.6 KB)
Thanks for the info. We’ll try to reproduce and look for a workaround. I’m glad to hear that there is at least a workaround you can use for now.
Hey Tuan,
I was able to reproduce this on our end, and was able to fix the issue in the XSI and XSIBatch plugins – I’ve attached the patched files here.
To install the XSI patch, go to \your\repository\plugins\XSI and make a backup copy of “AdditionalRenderOptions.vbs”. Then unzip XSI.zip to this folder.
To install the XSIBatch patch, go to \your\repository\plugins\XSIBatch and make a backup copy of “XSIBatch.py”. Then unzip XSIBatch.zip to this folder.
Let us know if this works for you!
Hi guys,
I had exactly the same problem. The patch is working fine for me.
Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear it’s working properly
Awesome! Thanks guys for looking into this matter.