Specualar rendering

Hello everyone,

I am a bit lost here… I need to render out specular points or voxels but how can I render out specularity? I read it has to do with normal but I don’t see “User normal” button in 1.5 beta version… How can I render out phong shading then? it renders just black.
I appreciate the helps.

Thanks and Regards,

it’s rendering phong shading , it required rotation operator in pflow setup…hmm

The “Use Normals” button was removed and replaced by the Shading Mode dropdownlist. Phong Shading is what “Use Normals” used to be.
The Normal Vector is taken from the X axis of the Particle. You can use either Speed By Surface and Rotate in Speed Space to orient your particles to a mesh, or the Krakatoa Geometry Lookup operator (which is orders of magnitude faster and a couple of times faster than comparable Box #1/#3 methods) to set the orientation by the normal of the closest surface of a mesh. Yet another alternative is to steal the normals from a culling object in a PRT Loader (you can turn off Culling and only use Acquire Normals), but this requires you to save a PRT first so you might want to define the normals in PFlow instead.

The Environment Reflection also depends on the Normals. Of anisotropic shading, you would have to switch to Ward Surface shading mode and provide a second channel called Tangent which provides the full orientation of the particle. I am not sure if it is in the Beta yet, but the Orientation channel will also be usable as a source of Normal + Tangent in the final v1.5.0 instead of Normal channel and Tangent channel. We intend to support both and take the Orientation channel if found, otherwise fall back to Normal plus Tangent.

Thanks bobo for your help.

Yes it worked with Rotation operator.

Here is the rendered image… actually I am working on tornado of million of balls. and as this tornado rises camera moves and go out in space.

I got scene lited on half of tornado but other half of tornado isnot gettng lited how can I light up other side of tornado/funnel shape? I tried putting extra spot light and also on all sides but it’s rendering same …

What is the Rotation operator set to?

Rotation operator is set to speed space.

Are we talking about the BOTTOM of the tornado or the BACK of the tornado?
Your image is not telling me much, it might be a good idea to post an unlit version or the Alpha so we can see where the particles are supposed to be.

Keep in mind the Speed Space sets the normal once, Speed Space Follow does it on every step so it sticks to any changes in the speed.
Normally you have to add 90 degrees rotation about Y to get the X to follow correctly.

it should lighted like this isotropic shading…

any suggestions guys how can I light up the scene for phong shading?

The trouble with normals is that we assume the “backside” of a particle to not receive light at all. So if the particles in the back of your cloud are facing away, they will not reflect any light (which I suspect is the problem). Having a two-sided option in Krakatoa might be the solution (I am pretty sure Chad has requested that already). Right now there is no such option.

What you might be able to do in Beta 4 (once we release it next week) is create two PRT Loaders with the same cloud, reduce the density to counteract the doubled particles and add a KCM on one of the two PRT Loader and connect as NormalChannel->Negate->NormalChannel which will flip the normals and give you quasi-doublesided rendering. This would not work well with Voxels though, but it might work with Particle rendering.

You can’t.

The points aren’t spheres, they’re points. So they can only have one normal vector. You’d need to have point clusters that LOOK like spheres to get them to shade as such.

So if your particle system generated sphere meshes, you could use the GeoVolume, or you could just spawn new particles on the sphere surfaces. Do you have Box#3? There might be some other options available if you do.