Hi, @Justin_B and Fellow Members,
I am exploring Deadline’s Standalone Python API Query. The goal is to get the de-duplicated details of failed jobs/tasks along with jobID, jobName, submitting user, etc.
In doing so with the help of these docs I made some headway and managed to put the web server as well as the Python connection object.
con = Connect()
The “con” object and the “con.TaskReports” are giving these methods for me,
Wanted to know if there are any methods to directly get a list of failed job IDs. Instead of getting all jobs and iterating them to know which of those have “failed” tasks etc.
Is there a way to get the list of failed jobs and for a given failed job get the list of failed tasks? And for those failed tasks get the unique “Title” information that provides the list/summary of details as to why a given job is failed.
Also, along the lines, sometimes the failed Task/TaskReport shows the “Title” as “Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.” - How can we add the custom log parsing/regex and feed/substitute the matched error string for the “Title” value instead of “Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.”
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