I am writing a bash script that will run in every artist workstation do some checks and if the machine can be on the farm then the script will start the slave.
If a user logs in the machine then the slave will stop.
Now we have deadline launcher running as a slave and doing
deadlinelauncher -slave returns that the launcher is already running.
We are using CentOs here. Any suggestions on how to start and stop slaves through a script?
is there a way to stop the slave through command line as well? I feel like the API is not clear enough to guide you for which commands are available. Also deadlineslave -help only has a start slave command and not a stop slave
The deadlinecommand is well documented, but massively huge in the stdout of a shell, i recommand saving it to a file: /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/deadlinecommand > /tmp/deadlinecmd_help.txt
if you search that file for RemoteControl, you will see all the options.
These line up with all the options that the monitor has.