Strange behavior while saving output

Ive created a ticket in a ticket system, but did not receive the confirmation email, so im not sure I`ll receive a response there.

We`ve ecountered strange behavior while checking the render output. It was quite big task - about 2000 frames, and for the 250 or 350 frames all looks good, but then suddenly plenty number of outputs was corrupted.
Final png was replaced by some z-channel or something and other files are replaced too. But the filenames are correct.

As a systems administrator i cant explain what exactly happen properly, so ill just attach an archive with two outputs - good one and “strange one”.
Feel free to take a look and post your opinions.

We use the last Deadline version, 3DsMax 2012 and Windows Vista on our rendering nodes. There was no major errors on this frames. I still can`t understand the possible reason of this behavior.

Thank you!

In the 3dsmax submitter for Deadline, can you check if you have the option enabled to “Restart Renderer Between Frames”? If not, try enabling it to see if that helps. This has been known to fix weird issues like this.

Also, can you let us know which renderer you are using?


  • Ryan