I am having a strange error with my Hybrido BIN files when i bring them into 3ds Max and load them with the PRT loader they seems to corrupt also it crashes max when i try to use it directly in Frost. But are fine when I reload them back to Realflow. I had this is a previous sim where the main fluid was fine but there was an issue with the foam and waterline BIN files.
I only have krakatoa 2.18 here is this a bug that was fixed in more recent versions?
Could you please send us a copy of such a BIN file? You can send us files by posting them on this forum, or by using our ticket system. Please note that you may need to ZIP the file to get it through.
I downloaded the files and could not reproduce any issues with them - they load in the latest Krakatoa (2.3.1) as they should.
I displayed 100% of all particles and converted the Velocity to Color to see what is moving where, and everything looked normal for the 10 frames we’ve got.
It might be indeed a problem with your not-so-current (beta) build you are using, but I don’t remember any crashes.
The only error I see we fixed between 2.1.8 and 2.2.0 is that BIN file “Density” now comes in as “RFDensity” since it means something else completely and was affecting the rendering (making particles invisible if value defaulted to 0.0). thinkboxsoftware.com/krakato … hange-log/