Submit a job from Mac OS X Maya to Windows renderfarm....

Hi there… Can I submit a job from Maya (8.5 or 2008) runing under Mac OS X 10.4.10 to a Windows XP SP2 based renderfarm? All project files are at the filestorage (Windows 2003 Server), results too… What kind of work I need to do on submitting script? I mean is it realy possible or I don’t need to waste my time on it?

Thank you!

Hi Ivan,

This isn't possible at the moment. The script might work fine, but the command line submission application itself is still Windows only. One solution that After Effects users have used is to open the project they created on a Mac from a PC and submit it that way. I'm not sure if this is possible with Maya, but it's definitely something to try out.

We are currently working on a multi-platform solution for Deadline, and hope to begin beta testing in the next month or two.

 - Ryan


Is it realy no way to use mac only to submit a Maya job now? I don’t beleave… :frowning:

Trust me, if there was a way to do this now, I would let you know. :)

The submission script uses a command line application to submit the job, which as I mentioned earlier, only runs on Windows (just like the rest of Deadline). We are working on a solution, but the only option I can think of now is what I've mentioned earlier (which hasn't been tested by us, so we can't guarentee that it will work).

Since you have a Windows farm, you could try opening the scene in Maya on one of your slave machines and submit the job that way. You could also try submitting the job from the Deadline Monitor on a PC.

 - Ryan