Submit Job By Standalone API

I have seen some posts here discussing about submitting jobs by scripts instead of the monitor (GUI).
It is recommended to take nuke submission script as a reference to submit jobs. However, nuke uses subprocess to open a new process (deadlinecommand) to submit jobs, while there is SubmitJob API in standalone API via webservice.
I’ve tried to submit the python job by DeadlineConnect.Jobs.SubmitJob with auxiliary files (specifically, the python Script). it turns out that it cannot copy the auxiliary files successfully with the error message:

Error: One or more auxilliary files for the job were not successully copied during submission, check for network or server issues and try again. (Deadline.Submission.DeadlineSubmissionException)

I’m not pretty sure is it caused by some authentication issues or there’s any bug. It’ll be nice if anyone tried it could share!

Despite that using subprocess may still work well, I was wondering if there’s kind of easier way (Standalone API) to submit jobs without creating temporary files (JobInfo, pluginInfo …), which are for deadlinecommand.

The issue with using the standalone API is that the Web Service needs to have access to the path provided during submission as it would look from the web service. We don’t do any fancy base64 encode and upload as you might expect.

The benefit of shelling out to deadlinecommand is that it will copy the files to the Repository (possibly via a the RCS) for you from the workstation itself.