Submit render job via web service

Is their a way to render jobs via web service.

Using this page as reference, I do what it says, a job gets submitted but after submission this is the error

Error : Renderer returned non-zero error code, … and in the log
STDOUT: /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/dpython: can’t find ‘main’ module in ‘’ ( in juicy pistachio green color )

The job is not a vray spawner job but a draft job for making mov from nuke renders.

Is it out of context of deadline to submit jobs from web service. Have I understood the design of deadline. Certainly not.
I represent a few others, where we need to update our know how about deadline.

Please suggest

Submitting jobs from the web service is fine - check out Deadline Standalone Python Reference: Jobs.Jobs Class Reference
Sounds like you might not be passing the correct parameters for submission.

What are the advantages/differences in submitting via deadlinecommand and web service ?

There is no difference in the resulting job.

The differences are convenience - the standalone API does not require running in a Deadline context (e.g. through Deadline’s dpython), it works by communicating with the REST API and thus can run from any machine, even if the Deadline Client is not installed (you only need access to the library).

The “Scripting” API on the other hand is much better integrated in Deadline, but requires to run within Deadline. As such it might have access to some additional information (not sure about this point), and has less overhead than Standalone (HTTP calls, parameter encoding, etc.). It works more closely with Deadline’s internal data structures.

I like comparing the Standalone API to automating stuff that you do in the Monitor, it is closer to that level of interaction.

But error says cannot find “main” … so I wonder what parameters are going wrong.

The error is in the render job that was already submitted, afaics, so show us the job parameters I guess?
The error has nothing to do with the submission method, although it might mean you are missing parameters when submitting, or something.