submit render layers disabled


I have a maya 2013 scene with render layers… in the maya submission dialogue the “submit render Layers as Separate jobs” appears to be disabled as in I a cant click on it. ive gone through the obvious stuff… just wondering if im doing something wrong.


I checked the submitter’s code, and the only case where this option should be disabled is if the scene contains less than 2 non-referenced layers (referenced layers are not supported, and if the scene only contains 1 layer, there’s no need to submit separate layer jobs). Are you using referenced layers?


  • Ryan


so yes the layers where referenced im now using non references layers now… but am having a problem getting back black frames… it looks like the submitter is setting the primary visibly of on all my objects. should this be the case?


The submitter shouldn’t be touching the visibility of your objects. When it is submitting layers, all it does is switch layers prior to submitting it, and then it restores the originally selected layer.

Did you test a local render to confirm you get the desired output? If so, the next thing to try is to submit the Maya job with the “Use MayaBatch” option disabled. This will perform a standard Maya command line render.

Then if you still get black frames, right-click on the job in the Monitor and select Job Reports -> View Log Reports. Send us a log and we’ll take a look.


  • Ryan