
is there a way to pass the limit group as parameter in SubmitCommandLineJob ?

Not at the moment, but you can create the job and plugin info files manually and submit that way. These files are explained here: … o_Deadline

For these command line jobs, and example job info file would look like the following (we’ll call it “job_info_file.job”). Of course, you can add and remove options as you see fit, just as long as you don’t change the “Plugin” line.

Plugin=CommandLine Frames=1-5 LimitGroups=Testing Priority=50

This is an example of what the contents of your plugin info file should look like (we’ll call it “plugin_info_file.job”):

Executable=c:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsmax8\3dsmaxcmd.exe Arguments=-start:<STARTFRAME> -end:<ENDFRAME> -width:480 -height:320 <QUOTE>\\shared\path\scene.max<QUOTE>

To submit the job after creating the necessary files, run this command:

deadlinecommand.exe job_info_file.job plugin_info_file.job

Of course, you should use the full paths to the the job and plugin info file as appropriate.

Hope this helps!

  • Ryan

thx for your answer

I already used the “info” “plugin” way of doing in the past , but since my current case is more simple , i was wondering if it was possible to just pass it in the command line.

So thx again
