It seems weird to me that I can have a Subtract with Left Value = InputValue and Right Value = 3.0 then do a ctrl-W and get 1-InputValue instead of 3-InputValue.
Same with Power, Divide, etc. Minor thing, just my opinion, etc.
It seems weird to me that I can have a Subtract with Left Value = InputValue and Right Value = 3.0 then do a ctrl-W and get 1-InputValue instead of 3-InputValue.
Same with Power, Divide, etc. Minor thing, just my opinion, etc.
I don’t consider it a bug, but we can argue about it
The Ctrl+W swaps the input sockets, not the default values.
The Subtract operator was specifically designed to have 1.0 as first default and 0 as second default, because 90% of the time I find myself subtracting from 1.0 when the first socket is unconnected, and subtracting 0.0 from anything produces the same output, so it is like Pass Through unless changed or connected.
So if I were to swap the default values of the input sockets, too, pressing Ctrl+W would change how the Subtract behaves.
If everybody thinks the defaults should also be swapped, I can at least make it an option.
I guess I’m expecting it to behave the same as if I had an InputValue with a Float set to 3.0 attached to it. Then it would go from X-3.0 to 3.0-X. That seems more logical to me than going from X-3.0 to 1.0-X.
But, if I have a Float, hit [-] to create a Subtract after it (connect to first socket, resulting in Float-0.0) and then I press Ctrl+W to swap, I would get 0.0-Float instead of 1.0-Float which I expected, and now I have to go and enter 1.0 although I already had it in the right place.
So somehow I have to keep track if the Default was modified and if it was, swap it, otherwise keep it there so MY workflow would be as fast as I want it…
I will probably just add a sticky option that allows you to get your workflow (“Swap Defaults When Swapping Inputs”) and I will keep in unchecked for me so I can work the way I want…
A better option is to be able to drag out your choice first. Like drag out a “Divide (Divisor)” vs “Divide (Dividend)”. Same node would be created, but with the output connected to a different input.
The Depot in this iteration of Magma since Krakatoa 2.0 is built dynamically from what the plugin reports to me. I don’t create nodes there, I just read their names and they appear automagically. So I cannot have two Divide flavours in there without special casing which I’d rather not do.
Then, I don’t use the Depot at all, and when I press the / key on the Numeric keypad, I get a Divide, with first socket connected. If I want it to be the other way round, I press Ctrl+W. Different workflow, although I could have something like Ctrl+/ or Shift+/ to do what you described.
I already added the option so I can have it my way and you can have it yours.
Also, I added a new Options menu which has some of the options that were previously in the View menu, and fixed their stickiness which was somewhat broken. (70.7 KB)