Syntax for submitting multiple xsi passes to render.


I want to submit XSI jobs without having to launch XSI locally, but I can’t find the syntax for the “passes to render” field. I tried separating with commas, i.e: Pass1,Pass2 but it fails. Can you point me to some documentation on this, or give me an example of?

Thanks in advance.

Which plugin are you using, XSI or XSIBatch? From looking at the code, XSIBatch only supports single passes at a time (or leave it blank to render all passes). It looks like a comma separated list would result in problems. We’ve logged this as a bug.

If you’re using the XSIBatch plugin, try using the XSI plugin instead. It just passes the comma separated list to XSIBatch.bat, which supports the comma separated format.


  • Ryan

Thanks, Russell! Your support is the best, as usual.