task info via http rest

I’m doing http requests to pulse/webservice, for a webpage, and I want to get the total render time for a task

a task object (json) is like this:

Comp: "2015-10-28T17:13:20.414+00:00"
Cpu: 99
CpuPer: 9
Errs: 0
Frames: "1-1"
JobID: "5630fd16cc4a30183868b042"
NormMult: 1
Prog: "100 %"
RamAvg: 236990784
RamAvgPer: 1
RamPeak: 409948160
RamPeakPer: 2
RndStat: ""
Size: 6126558
Slave: "RF-004"
Start: "2015-10-28T17:04:25.82+00:00"
StartRen: "2015-10-28T17:13:05.816+00:00"
Stat: 5
SwapAvg: 871147
SwapPeak: 1031136
TaskID: 0
TotalClock: 6942578
UsedClock: 624832
WtgStrt: false
_id: "5630fd16cc4a30183868b042_0"

Monitor says this frame was 8:54 (tasktime)
But I can’t see what in this task object shows me that? …


I can’t say for sure without having someone look at the internal core code of Deadline, but I would assume it’s just calculating the end time minus the start time, which works out to 8 minutes and 45 seconds.

I considered that but too lazy to try at 18:00

but now that it’s 9:30… Seems it’s easy to parse those date time strings and subtract them in javascript, so I am happy


Glad to hear that will work out for you.