Task Timeout warning Email.

Has anyone ever created an email alert that gets sent when a task is reaching it’s timeout point?

The code wouldn’t be too hard, I just wouldn’t know how to keep it active, so that it checks tasks regularly. Or it gets triggered by the render times hitting 10 minutes before timeout.

Would save some frames down the track :slight_smile:

Is there any chance I can run a small script when monitor refreshes?

No, but perhaps you could use deadlinecommand.exe to run your script:

deadlinecommand.exe -executescript "myscript.py"

Then you could have a scheduled task run deadlinecommand.exe at set intervals, or even have your script loop indefinitely, doing its work on each iteration of the loop. With the latter, you wouldn’t even need to set up a scheduled task.


  • Ryan

Good thinking Batman!

Thanks Ryan