Text quality, aliasing


Thank you.

Red is a bit of a special case. When translated from RGB to YUV color space, which all 3 of those codecs use, red will get garbled.

For a more detailed explanation: labdv.com/learning/dv_basics … or-en.html

One more reason to hate every codec available today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or to quote someone else:

Hui, thanks.
Not the best bed time reading material for me, I guess :smiley:. I think this was covered in a Nuke color masterclass once, forgot the details though :confused: .
Thank you for the link and explanation.

Good night,

Dziga: Awesome!

Gavin: Thanks! It’s on my to-read list now!


Good morning!

I am super sorry but have another question (or two :smiley:)
Can I get the alpha channel of an image, too?
I have the burnin and load the studio’s logo as tif with alpha. It is interpreted correctly and composited over the image.
Now I change my text settings to, let’s say pure white with an alpha of 0.3. I also want to change the logo alpha to 0.3 but of course the image already has an alpha.
I want to multiply the existing alpha with my new alpha.
Is there something like this?:

oldAlpha = image.GetChannel(‘A’)
image.SetChannel(‘A’, oldAlpha * newAlpha)

Also, can I edit the text color in the submission dialog (display color)?

Thank you in advance!


You can use the “in” composite operator:

originalLogoImage = Draft.Image.ReadFromFile( '//path/to/logo.tif' ) logoImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( originalLogoImage.width, originalLogoImage.height ) logoImage.SetChannel( 'A', 0.3 ) logoImage.Composite( originalLogoImage, 0, 0, Draft.CompositeOperator.InCompositeOp )
After running this code, logoImage is a copy of originalLogoImage, but with its alpha scaled by 0.3.

I’m not sure. I will forward your question to someone who should know.

Great suggestion, Paul! Works like a charm.
Thanks, for forwarding, too.
