Tile Assembly Problem

Hi all,
I am having a bit of a problem with tile assembly when using render elements.
The images are being assembled as a patchwork mix of main render and elements - it appears to be getting confused about which tiles are for which output.
The elements are being saved out to a different directory to the main render with the filenames being different for each element.

Some other specs:
[]The main image is rendering out to an exr with 5 or so elements each being written out to either jpegs or exrs.
]Submitted the tiled render as a single job (not each tile as an individual job) because the scene is very large
[]I am using RPManager / Vray (Max frame buffer)
]Tile assembly jobs run on either WinXP x64 or Win7 x64 machines with the same result
[*]Deadline Version

Anyone got any ideas? Am I overlooking something obvious?!


Hi Rob,

If you don’t have it enabled already, try enabling the option to Restart Renderer Between Frames when submitting the job. You can find it under the Render tab in the submitter. This helps solve many issues related to VRay, and it’s actually supposed to be enabled by default when using VRay (a recently discovered bug prevents this, but it will be fixed in Deadline 5.0).


  • Ryan

Ah yes, I see where you’re going with this.
It looks like it is disabled at the moment so I’ll try again with it enabled and see how that goes.
