It’s been mentioned a couple of times on here with people having region rendering magically appear on their renderings when they haven’t switched it on.
I’ve found that if you submit a Tiles Rendering job, then submit say an animation job you’ve got to go in and turn off the Region Rendering as it will have become enabled when you sent your Tiles job.
More to follow when I’ve solved the bug.
So I think i’ve fixed this issue…
[code]local tileResult = SMTDFunctions.SubmitTileAssemblerJob jobId jobName outputImageFilenames inputImageFilenames
if not tileResult then
return false
return false
SMTDSettings.RegionRendering = false
great stuff. where do you put this line?
In your deadline repository under submission/3dsmax
Search for the first bit of code I put above and then added in the two lines.
Thanks Dave! We’ve added this fix to our todo list for the next Deadline release!
No worries Russell I’ll put my bill in the post
That’s great to have this bug fix Dave, I’ve just had this problem overnight.
Just curious, since it seems like it’s only the max submitter being affected by these bug fixes and code changes, do thinkbox keep a nightly build of the submitter or some kind of monthly update which includes some of these bug fixes?
Hey John,
We release new versions of Deadline on the beta boards about once or twice per month. We currently have a mix of 5.2 and 6.0 betas going right now, and changes to the max submitter are included in these updates. The 5.2 beta is just for a maintenance release we hope to release to the public soon. There aren’t any changes being made to core code, so it’s very stable. Lots of changes went into 6.0 though, so it needs some time before it’s production ready.
If you are interested in joining the beta, just shoot an email to
Heya Ryan!
That sounds like a good idea. For safety we definitely won’t jump to 6 for this project, but I do like the idea of updated submitters and so on. I’ll get myself and our systems guy to mail you on that note - is it just a case of having our forum accounts added into some new invisible forums?
That’s pretty much it. It just has to go through the beta email so that they can get you the necessary NDA to sign.