ToScalar node

I am following along with this tutorial on culling particles via a texture map, but I cannot seem to find the “ToScalar” node that is outlined in the image. Is this tutorial older and maybe this function has been replaced by another node? ToVector, ToInt, and ToFloat are all there, but I don’t see ToScalar.


It is now called Breakout.
ToScalar had two inputs - the first was a Vector, the second was an Integer 1,2 or 3 to define which component to output. This is because in Krakatoa 1.5 Magma, nodes had only one output socket.
When we added multiple output sockets to Magma 2, we retired the ToScalar and replaced it with Breakout. It simplifies the case where you want to swap the order of components - in old Magma, you needed 3 ToScalar, 3 Integer Inputs and one ToVector. In Magma 2, you now need only one Breakout and one ToVector.

In this particular tutorial (which is clearly marked as written for Krakatoa v1.5), you can either replace the ToScalar with Breakout and connect the first socket (X) to the next node, or you could add the old-style Krakatoa Channels modifier (KCM) which is still available in the new versions of Krakatoa 2.x and use exactly the same nodes as shown. Note that if you save the scene and reload it, the KCM will be converted to the new Magma modifier and the ToScalar will become a Breakout…