Transfer Point Normals into Sequoia?

Thank you for your report! I have reproduced the problem, and I will log it as a bug.

Great! Thanks Paul!

Please let me know if any re-ordering of operators will get round this. I haven’t found a combo yet, but I live in hope…

I can’t seem to find an order that works, either. I expected the following to work:

  • Mesher
    [list][*]Cull Mesh Components
  • Mesh Reduction
  • Cull Faces by Normal Similarity

But unfortunately it doesn’t work due to a bug, which I have logged.

Thanks for checking Paul - I’ll hold off till a fix is available - can optimize in 3ds max for now I guess.

Here’s a question - what’s the order of operation for that stack … Is it bottom to top, or top to bottom?
I keep getting confused with 3ds Max modifier stack thinking!

And is there any benefit to having a node graph to represent everything? (I’ve had a couple colleagues ask me about that now).

The operators are evaluated from top to bottom. So yes, it’s the opposite of what you’re used to!

I think this is extra confusing due to a bug: if you add an operator while the Operators list is collapsed, then the operators appear in alphabetical order, instead of in the order of operation.

Do you mean, add a node graph UI, which would allow you to add operators, connect Point Loaders to Meshers, etc.?

Yes, that sort of thing - Magma Style.

For myself, I’m not the biggest fan of node graphs (e.g. I much prefer using ole-skool max material editor, not max slate editor) but enough colleagues asked about it that I thought it worth finding out. Lots of other software around here is node-UI based, so any paradigms that people are already accustomed to are a good thing I guess.

We plan to add a node graph UI in the future (and possibly even Magma channel operators), but the goal for Sequoia 1.0 was to make it as simple as possible for Joe Normal User. Under the hood we use a node graph, but when you make a Mesher, the Culling and Optimization nodes are pre-created and pre-wired, and the user does not have to know anything about Operators to use them - their controls are already part of the Mesher UI. We hope to make the single-sided mesh workflow similarly simplified, the current incarnation is more or less a Proof Of Concept.