Try to render more than 100000 hairs

HI, i have a i7 procesor, 16gb ram, win64bits, anyone with this configuration try to render more than 100000 hairs with PRT hair? Please, if somebody could do, let me know, for me, is imposible with 0.1 spacing.
I think Krakatoa is not ready for render that quantity of hairs with that number of spacing. And i can buy more RAM for now…

Any suggestions??

I allready test it with allocate some memory, and, noo success…:frowning:


I will ask once again (since you haven’t answered on CGTalk) - how many PARTICLES does that equal to?
It obviously depends on the length of each hair, since 0.1 is the world units distance between the particles, and if my hair is 100 units long on the average, I would get 1000 particles per strand and 100 million particles from 100K hairs, but if your hair is 10000 units long, you would get 100K particles per strand, or 1 billion (!) particles that would require a machine with 32 GB of RAM.

Krakatoa has been used to render up to 40 billion particles (but using 1TB of RAM :wink:), so it really depends on your hair settings, hair length and available memory.