tweak rv integration

I don´t know how far the shotgun integration is evolved but i have another (possibly easy to implement) suggestion…

How about integrating TweakRV into deadline Monitor, so if you RMB on a job -> scripts -> “play in RV” ?

Would be very handy and a nice addition to the quite promising shotgun stuff.

btw. any news on when to expect that?


Hi Timor,

That’s a great idea! Our current 5.1 road map is pretty ambitious (with all the shotgun stuff), so we might not have time to create an RV right-click job script, but if someone were to get it started for us, we’d be more than happy to ship it. :laughing:

Please contact the sales team for more information on the 5.1 beta:


  • Ryan

if you want to play the rendered sequence, just set the image viewer path to rv in monitor settings, and then double click on a rendered frame (or right-click/view task output )


Hi Gabor,

unfortunately this trick only works with AE jobs, Maya and C4D somehow don´t offer a "view …for this task) option.

It would also be nice if you could select multiple jobs (like versions in shotgun) to play them in a playlist (this is something that a script could probably easy do).


C4D jobs don’t have this option because there isn’t a reliable way to pull the output path information from C4D during submission. We can get the output folder easy, but the API doesn’t expose a good way to pull the actual image file name.

Maya jobs, on the otherhand, should almost always expose this feature if you are submitting from with Maya. Can you let us know if you are submitting from within Maya, and if you are, are you using the 'submit each layer" or “submit each camera” as a separate job options?

It´s probably because the maya scenes where submitted through the monitor and not out of maya with the submission-script.
(i just showed the artist your cool new installation scripts, so i hope this is a thing of the past…).
