UBL on AWS without using DL's Portal system?

Title says it all I guess, is there an official way to have RedShift standalone get a floating lic from deadline’s UBL system without running all the portal infrastucture stuff?


To clarify, I just want to run 5, maybe up to 10, GPU based linux instances in my VPC and be done with it. The portal set things up for like I’m Pixar, which is great but gives quite a lot of overhead.

I can take care of the the whole setup for networking, assets, repathing etc… I just need a way to get a UBL lic.

Hi Jonathan,

I used to do exactly this at my old company - in fact, UBL existed before Portal did, so it is - or was, at least - definitely not just possible but intended. That said, it’s been a while since I’ve dabbled with it and it’s possible it’s now been amended so that it doesn’t work. I’ve got no reason to think that it would have been, other than I remember having to do little more than paste my UBL address and activation code into the UBL section on the Repo configuration settings. I assume you’ve tried this and it’s not worked.


ohh wait… now that I read this page a bit better:

I see that only applies to certain software packages, I somehow remembered is as a global restriction…

Anyways I don’t see the limitation listed for Redshift so I guess that means I can use redshift for local and/or AWS rendering.

Thanks for the pointer!

Ah, I actually hadn’t seen that - yes, it looks to me like the ones without the Portal restrictions are the ones I seem to remember being there before Portal existed - which makes sense.