UDK submission script

how do I write a submission script that would mark a task as complete when the processor usage falls off and system idle process takes over?

since the UDK lighting tool will be running all the time and wont be able to report to deadline when its done we want to use the processor utilization to mark the task as complete.

has anyone had any experience with getting the UDK lighting tool to render through deadline or any ideas about the path we are pursuing?


You would likely have to write a custom UDK plugin for Deadline to accomplish this, as a submission script would just get the job to the farm, not monitor it while it’s rendering. I’m sure between Python and .NET, you could find a solution to monitor the processor while the job is rendering.

We can definitely try to help steer you in the right direction, but first we’ll need a bit of information about what you’re trying to do (we have no experience using the UDK). For starters, what is the command that you use to perform UDK lighting rendering? Also, will you be rendering frame sequences that can be separated into single tasks, or would it have to be a single task render (like a quicktime movie needs to be)?


  • Ryan