UI Bug2 in 3dsMax2009


I use 3dsmax2009 x32 with Krakatoa

There are some problems.

  1. MacroRecoder doesn’t work.
  2. In SceneExplorer, Keyboad shortcuts interrupt rename.

Please give me some advice.
Thank you.

Do you mean that without Krakatoa you didn’t have these problems, but after installing Krakatoa, Max 2009 started doing this?
I don’t see how Krakatoa would interfere with MacroRecorder or Scene Explorer, but if you can test and confirm that the Krakatoa installation is causing these problems, we will have to investigate further. Otherwise it would be a question for Autodesk support.

Hi, Bobo

Thank you for the reply.

After un-installing Krakatoa or delete krakatoa from plugin.ini, these problems are fine.

3dsmax2009SP1 English edition / windowsXP SP2 Japanese edition / HP xw9300

Ok, let’s try to debug this.
Let’s see if we can figure out what is NOT causing the problem.

  1. Do you have any way to install and try Krakatoa on the same machine, but with 3ds Max 2008? Does it cause the same problem?
  2. Are you using Max 2009 64 or 32 bit? (I assume it is 32 bit as you don’t mention XP 64).
  3. It would be interesting to know whether the DLL or the MAXScript side of Krakatoa is causing the problem. Go to the plugin folder of the Krakatoa installation (the one containing MaxKrakatoa.dlr and KrakatoaStartup.ms, typically C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\3dsMax2009\Win32) and rename the KrakatoaStartup.ms to KrakatoaStartup.bak. Start Max - you should see some error messages because no MAXScript functions will be defined for Krakatoa to use, but the DLL will still be loaded. See if the MacroRecorder and Scene Explorer function again or not.
  4. A couple of days ago we had a problem where the Krakatoa VFB extensions were causing a problem in Max 2009 on specific machines of one of our customers. Disabling the extensions fixed the problem. It might be worth trying as last resort. To disable, open KrakatoaStartup.ms (after renaming it back from .bak) and change the line ‘if (maxVersion())[1] >= 10900 do’ to ‘if (maxVersion())[1] >= 20900 do’ - this will disable the loading of the VFB extensions, but the rest of Krakatoa should be running as usual. See if it changes anything.
  5. It would be interesting to know whether you see this problem with 3ds Max 2009 without SP1, but I am not suggesting to uninstall and reinstall 2009 at this point. Let’s figure out what part of Krakatoa is causing the issues.

One thing to keep in mind - we have had problems with Deadline and Chinese Windows. We cannot exclude problems with Krakatoa and Japanese Windows, but we have no way of testing with a Japanese version for obvious reasons.

Very sorry to hear about your problems and I hope we will be able to find the cause and fix it soon!


3ds max 2008 has no problem on same machine.

I use 32bit max 2009 and 32bit XP. CPUs are AMD Opteron.

After rename the KrakatoaStartup.ms, MacroRecorder and Scene Explorer work fine!

Wow!! MacroRecorder and Scene Explorer work fine! Krakatoa work fine too!!

3ds Max 2009 without SP1 has same problems.

So, No4 make me happy! :smiley:

Thank you for your support!

I am very happy to hear that!
I must admit that we developed the VFX Extensions for 2009 on our 64 bit system and never had any problems with it, but did not have enough time to test it on 32 bit (we are still on 2008 and used the evaluation version of 2009 for development).
I think I will add an option to turn on and off the VFB extensions straight from the Preferences dialog of Krakatoa to give the user more control over what is being loaded…


I was getting this problem too on 2009 64bit. Removing Krakato fixed it. I will try disabling VFB, but would like to know what i am losing out on by disabling them.


In short, we dumped the whole Main Controls UI and some more into the VFB of 2009 (as you have probably seen).

franticfilms.com/software/su … ension.php

Without the extended VFB, Krakatoa works just like in Max 9 and 2008 - you use the floater and its controls to set up the renderer. So you are not missing out much. The only thing the VFB allows and the regular Krakatoa UI does not is the “Interactive” updates - if the last update time was below a certain threshold and the PCache is on, changing settings will trigger automatic redraws.