UI Documentation

I’m working on a custom dialog for Deadline. I need a multi-select listbox similar to a QListview/QListwidget.

I’m able to create one via

DeadlineScriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "MyListBox", "MultiSelectListControl", "", 3, 1 )

and it works as expected from the user’s perspective. However, I would like to set a few selections by default but I can’t figure out how. Do I need to accomplish this via the widget’s model?

I see that it inherits from QComboBox but that doesn’t support multi-selection.

Looking at all the functions of the class, the only thing that’s suggestive is setTheItems() however, passing it a list of strings to select doesn’t work (and doesn’t raise an error).

All the files in /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/UI/DeadlineUI are .pyc's



I really dislike this api. I think you need SetItems
Deadline Scripting Reference: ScriptControl.ScriptControl Class Reference (thinkboxsoftware.com)

Thanks for the quick response. SetItems() populates the ComboBox… I then tried DeadlineScriptDialog.SetValue(control_name, list_of_values_to_select) and that worked.