Unable to submit auxiliary files using Standalone API


The title says it all really, I am unable to pass auxiliary scene files to the Jobs.SubmitJob() standalone API function

This is the command i am running:

con.Jobs.SubmitJob(maya_job_info, maya_plugin_info, aux=[input_file_name], idOnly=True)

Where “input_file_name” is the path to my scene file “C:/some_path/my_scene.mb”

But I am receiving the following error

Error: One or more auxiliary files for the job were not successully copied during submission, check for network or server issues and try again. (Deadline.Submission.DeadlineSubmissionException)

Is there something we need to enable in our repository or a windows firewall thing, kind of stuck for things left to try.

We have tried to using the -deadlinecommand which IS able to submit auxiliary files from the command prompt but we need to return the job ID for dependant jobs and I don’t particularly want to be running subprocesses within my code.

(just to note we are running Deadline10 on windows 7, with Maya-2018.6 and vray next)



I’m suffering from a similar issue. Any solution?

You should look at the logs in $ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10, they might indicate why it failed. It could also be due to the permissions of these files.