minor point but the uninstallation of 2.7 leaves the registry key:
HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\Shell extensions\approved\ Submit to Deadline
and I think one other related key.
minor point but the uninstallation of 2.7 leaves the registry key:
HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\Shell extensions\approved\ Submit to Deadline
and I think one other related key.
Ah, the context menu feature bites again. This was a self installing feature in 2.7, which is why the uninstaller wouldn’t have caught this. The context menu feature has been removed from 3.0 (this may or may not be a permanent thing), so this won’t be an issue with 3.0. Sorry if this caused any inconvenience.
I can’t delete my C:\deadline directory. “Cannot delete DeadlineContextMenu32.dll” access denied."
And, i noticed a few registry keys in various places in the registry after I attemped to uninstall 2.7. I don’t know if it’s safe to delete them or not.
Anyone know how to free DeadlineContextMenu32.dll so I can delete it and all other deadline stuff.
I’m trying to reconfigure and update to Deadline 3.0, but I don’t want to do that untill I’m sure 2.7 is completely unistalled. You, know?
The DeadlineContextMenu32.dll is installed as a shell extension, and I believe you can run the following command from a command prompt to uninstall it:
regsvr32.exe /u /s c:\deadline\bin\DeadlineContextMenu32.dll
After this, running the uninstaller should remove this file, and it should also remove any registry entries except for the the one mentioned in the first post.