We have deadline clients running on windows 10 and we are upgrading from deadline 10.0 to 10.2 as well as upgrading the repo path, etc. So our plan is to uninstall deadline client from the workers completely and then install with the new settings.
We have a Batch script that we use to uninstall the old client and it looks like this:
sc.exe delete deadline10launcherservice
taskkill /f /im deadline*
“C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\uninstall.exe” --mode unattended
RD /S /Q C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox
RD /S /Q %APPDATA%\Thinkbox
cd C:\Users
for /r /d %%a in (*) do if exist “%%a\Thinkbox” rd %%a\Thinkbox /s /q
which basically stops the deadline launcher, and processes. uninstall deadline and then deletes all the appdata and programdata foldeers for thinkbox.
After all that, we install the new one like this:
“\network-share-mount\Deadline-10\DeadlineClient-” --mode unattended --repositorydir “\network-share-mount\deadline\10.2\repository” --serviceuser “render” --servicepassword “password” --launcherservice “true”
When we do this, the new deadline is installed but the default repo is still pointing to the old repository. Even when we edit the deadline.ini in programdata with the new repository path, it still points to the old one. Why is it doing this ?
How do we go about doing this properly?