As you can see from the screen shot i’m having problems getting upgraded clients to authenticate with the new licence file you sent me. This is the log from LM tools which to me seems to have loaded the new licence file ok
Flexible License Manager status on Mon 5/10/2010 15:19
[Detecting lmgrd processes…]
License server status: 27000@Deadline-Host
License file(s) on Deadline-Host: C:\FLEXlm\frantic_license.lic:
Deadline-Host: license server UP (MASTER) v11.4
Vendor daemon status (on Deadline-Host):
frantic: UP v11.4
Feature usage info:
Users of deadline: (Total of 55 licenses issued; Total of 17 licenses in use)
“deadline” v4.00, vendor: frantic
floating license
Administrator backup-server TIGGER3 (v3.10) (Deadline-Host/27000 801), start Mon 5/10 15:10
RENDER BOSTON-02 BOSTON-02 (v3.10) (Deadline-Host/27000 201), start Mon 5/10 15:09