Usage-based licensing: any info on Arnold support?

Hey guys, I just wanted to find out if there was any information or even a solid timeline on getting Arnold added to the usage-based licensing store.


Hey Nathan,
We have been trying for some time to deliver this! Any chance you could help fight the cause by contacting Autodesk?

I put in my request for Autodesk to support this. Though my voice may not get heard over the mass of outrage of their 2017 release and subsequent network render issue. I will eagerly be waiting for Deadline to email me to say they support Arnold since I can’t swing the 8 new Arnold render nodes in my current budget.

We feel your pain here. We actively encourage all Deadline users to contact their Autodesk and reseller rep’s and ask for UBL for Arnold to be allowed. The sad thing is we have already technically tested and verified it all works perfectly. :frowning:

Weird that you’re getting stonewalled. Zync has usage based Arnold.