Use Frame Timeout

Hi, how do I enable this for all jobs in the repo option?
Seems like now this option is only for each individual job.



Unfortunately that kind of setting is not available to be set repository wide. You can instead create an Event Plugins that fires OnJobSubmitted that sets the value for every job on submission.

It’s a very straightforward script to build, and the example in the docs should get you started well.

Check out the docs for Event Plugins here: … ugins.html


I found a much better explanation of what you’ll need to dig into on our GitHub here: … etJobLimit

And since you’re looking to enable Frame Timeout, that property is in the docs here: … a0a58cc87c

Instead of setting the job’s limitgroups with job.SetJobLimitGroups you can set it with job.JobEnableFrameTimeouts = true.

Let me know if you’ve got any questions,