User not found in Debug User list: [u'']. Will not run mapping

Guys has anyone encountered this error before?

STDOUT: DriveMapper:User not found in Debug User list: [u’’]. Will not run mapping

we run a custom event that copies the drive mappings from the users PC and maps them on our Render Farm.

It worked fine in Deadline8 but seems to have issues with D10 any ideas? the script is attached

That error’s one of yours. Here’s where it’s coming up:

        debug_mode = self.GetBooleanConfigEntry("DebugMode")
        if not debug_mode:
            return True
            job_user = job.JobUserName
            user_list = self.GetConfigEntry("UserList").split(",")
            if not job_user in user_list:
                self.LogStdout("DriveMapper: User %s not found in Debug User list: %s. Will not run mapping" % (job_user, user_list))
                return False
        return True

I’m guessing your “UserList” configurable didn’t carry over from 8 here. Not sure though.

Hi Edwin.

yes you’re right, I managed to find a work around as it only tries to use the user list if in debug mode…so I turned it off!!

seems to work ok now :laughing:
