We’ve been having issues here with caching in Maya taking too long and taking up time on user machines. So I’ve been asked to see if I could find a way to utilize our render farm for this. I don’t need anything like distributed caching. All I really need is the ability to send a maya scene to one machine and have that machine run the cache. That alone would speed up our process greatly.
So my questions are, is this possible through Deadline (I’m assuming it is) and are there any guides to writing a plugin that would accomplish this?
The basic idea with that is that you would need to have someone to make a mel script that does caching, and then using the docs at docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … /maya.html to run that script, maybe making the jobs that will use the cache as dependent upon it’s completion in order to move forwards. Unfortunately we don’t have anything directly built into Deadline to do this directly, but the method is there to do so with a bit of work.
Hi all, so I’ve got my Maya caching tool to the point where it is set up as a Maya command plugin with arguments that can be passed to it. I did this so that I can call it in a python script (that also takes arguments) that can then be run in a command line via the mayapy.exe. It would be run in the command line like so:
My next step is to get a basic Deadline plugin working that will allow me to launch a cache job using Deadline onto a slave. I’ve been reading the Application Plugins overview but I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the process and connecting the dots.
I’m hoping I could get some assistance in getting this plugin started. I’ve followed the guide, but I’m not so sure which direction to go from where it left off.
I’ve actually been looking at the Quicktime and Draft plugins and the related scripts. I think those will be a good guide rather than the Maya or Modo plugins. But some guidance would still be helpful.
CommandLine plugin is simple and clean. I think that might also be a good place to start looking. I’ve used that as starting template to make plugin for some photoshop droplets that we use on certain jobs.