Using Qt DockWidgets

It’s really great that custom PyQt widgets integrate so seamlessly with the Deadline 7 Monitor interface.

I’m currently using mainly QMainWindows and QDialogs for custom user interfaces. I’ve found that for more persistent widgets I can use QDockWidgets, and they will dock just like the normal panels, which is really nice. I have a couple questions about using Qt DockWidgets in Deadline Monitor.

  1. The “View->Lock Panels” option can be used to prevent panels from docking and force them to float. My QDockWidgets don’t appear to respect this option and will continue to try and dock whenever I move them. Do you know of a way to prevent them from docking and respect the “Lock Panels” option?

  2. Is there a way to launch custom PyQt interfaces on Monitor startup? At the moment, I generally launch them through the “General Scripts” interface. Ideally, I’d like to be able to save them in the layout just like the normal panels.


I have one of our devs looking into this, and hope to have more for you soon.

Unfortunately, there’s currently no good way to have custom panels like this work with our Lock Panels / Layout saving functionality.

Having full-fledged support for custom panels is definitely something we’ve been wanting to investigate, though. It might be something that shows up in a future version of Deadline, especially knowing that some of you guys are interested in better support for this :slight_smile:
