I started up my monitor today and it is taking a good 30secs to access the repository every time it refreshes so is fairly unusable. It was fine yesterday and I’ve never had any problem with it before. It seems to be specific to my machine - other machines on the network are running monitor fine.
I looked at the other post (http://forums.thinkboxsoftware.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4353&p=17709&hilit=monitor+slow#p1770) on this and made sure my firewall is off but this doesn’t seem to have made any difference. I don’t have any anti virus software as it is a closed network with no internet access. I’m running on XP Pro SP2. I also tried re-installing it but that made no different either.
What are the possible causes of this behaviour?
The thread you referred to is the only other time we’ve every heard of this problem. Have you tried restarting the machine to see if that helps?
Also, are you running Pulse on your network? Lukas’ problem occurred as a result of using Pulse (his firewall was blocking communications to it), so I’m just wondering if your problem is somewhat related.
It’s fixed. It was the same issue.
We had run pulse on a firewalled machine as a test before we knew about this issue and subsequently stopped running pulse (we’re in the process of setting things up). I imagine Monitor was still trying to connect to this machine even though pulse wasn’t running and struggling because of the firewall.
Now that we are aware of this we’ll make sure the firewalls are off for pulse or clear the Name/IP address field in the repository options.
Sorry to waste time again!