We’re getting the VFB opening (which is nice as you can see the frame rendering and check the RE’s) and its saving out the .exr and .tga RE sequences in seperate folders. Exactly what we want!
Now, my only little issue is I get a warning about a path not being set for the vray history thing! I am guessing that can be disabled somewhere. It would be nice if it was a option in the UI for Deadline as a sticky to disable this on submission. Not sure if thats a big thing or not?
Many thanks, 3 new smiles in the office this morning!
That’s great news! We’re still going to run some tests on our end, but I’m confident this change will be rolled out with Deadline 5.0.
To prevent that warning, try the following:
Go to \your\repository\plugins\3dsmax and open 3dsmax.py in a text editor.
Find this line:
self.AddPopupHandler( ".*Render history settings.*", "OK;No" )
Replace it with this line:
self.AddPopupIgnorer( ".*Render history settings.*" )
Now Deadline should ignore that popup instead of trying to handle it. This is what we did here, and it seems to work fine. Let us know if you run into any problems after making this change.
Here is one more update. We discovered that if you have the normal 3dsmax “Save File” option enabled, vray will warn you about it and ignore it during a local render. However, if you submit to Deadline, Deadline will still render the regular 3dsmax output. This updated script will tell Deadline not to render the regular 3dsmax output when the vray frame buffer is enabled.
If you want to see the change log prior to the release (or get access to Deadline 5.0 now), you can join the 5.0 beta program: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4497
I’ve just got round to installed Deadline 5 on our netowkr, and was wondering if this issue is now fixed right out the box, or if a tick box is need somewhere?!
Also, are there any other setting that we should adopt for rendering with Vray only?
We’ve had this error today with our own submission tool and vray outputs.
Error: RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Error in bm->OpenOutput(): error code 1
2017/10/16 18:34:09 ERR: [14620] [14900] Could not read/write file type: 0000
The job loaded, rendered the vray frame, saved the files then errored, even though all the outputs were there.
It turned out to be very simple… we were rendering with the vray output on and through a small error in my submission code the ‘rendSaveFile’ maxscript global was being set to ‘true’ with no output. Not something that should happen, but it doesn’t throw any warnings with sanity checks or submission, and the error message isn’t particularly easy to track down. I had to compare job plugin properties with a submission without our tool to finally figure out what it was. If you set this to true and then submit through the standard Deadline submitter it throws the same error too so I thought it was worth logging.
The sanity checks were added to ensure that the ARTISTS submitting the jobs are sane. While we could add additional checks against TD’s sanity, it might get too difficult to cover every possibility. There are plenty of ways to get the system in a bad state using MAXScript
The error you are getting is straight out of MAX’s core. Of course it is cryptic. I suspect that when it was written, MAXScript might not have even been a thing…
I’m genuinely confused as to why it’s trying to write a .0000 file… where the hell it got that extension from?? Glad I found it at least! And just wanted to share it so that if any other TD had the same bug in their code they could solve it a bit quicker than I did!
The 0000 is not an extension. It is some internal type ID of the file in the BitmapInfo, and I guess it is initialized to 0000, and then set to the correct value. Since the filename is not defined, there was no file extension to figure out the file format from, and the parameters sent to the OpenOutput() function are probably in a very bad state…